Changing the Educational Systems


Education is the base for everyone’s future. This is a very commonly spread phenomenon that doesn’t even need a debate. Every country tries to make it as efficient as possible; some succeed and some fail.
7242412-3d-white-people-student-carrying-a-stack-of-booksToday I want to talk about the educational systems in Armenia. Referring to mostly public schools, I won’t speak of the state universities because I consider most of them to be in pretty good conditions (Taking into consideration the fact that most graduates find jobs immediately and mostly, they do not have any trouble building their professional careers). Thus, let’s consider Armenian public schools and what could be done to make them more useful.
First, it is worth mentioning that our schools’ course curriculum is a very informative and one, providing students with deep understanding of concepts from different spheres. It teaches the children almost all the theories from a certain field with as much…

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